Privacy & Cookie Policy

Privacy Notice Gift Cards




1. Data Controller

In relation to the Loro Piana Gift Card scheme, the data controller shall be the selling entity, identified as follows:

  • Loro Piana S.p.A., with registered office in Rolandi 10, 13017 Quarona (VC), Italy, with regard to the Loro Piana Gift Cards purchased in the Loro Piana e-shop or in the Loro Piana select directly operated store(s) located in Italy; or
  • Loro Piana GesmbH, with registered office in Kohlmarkt 16, 1014 Wien, Austria, with regard to the Loro Piana Gift Cards purchased in the Loro Piana select directly operated store(s) located in Austria; or
  • Loro Piana France S.A.S., with registered office in 12 Rue du Faubourg St. Honoré, 75008 Paris, France, with regard to the Loro Piana Gift Cards purchased in the Loro Piana select directly operated store(s) located in France; or
  • Loro Piana GmbH, with registered office in Maximilianstraße 21, 80539 München, Germany, with regard to the Loro Piana Gift Cards purchased in the Loro Piana select directly operated store(s) located in Germany; or
  • Loro Piana España, S.L.U., with registered office in Calle José Ortega y Gasset 16, 28006 Madrid, Spain, with regard to the Loro Piana Gift Cards purchased in the Loro Piana select directly operated store(s) located in Spain,

("Loro Piana"), which can be contacted at the following email address, informs you, according to European Regulation No. 679/2016 on the processing of personal data ("European Privacy Regulation") and other applicable laws that it processes the personal data provided by you ("Data") with the following modalities.


2. Ways of Data Processing

Data is processed in paper and electronic form in line with organizational and security requirements defined by applicable laws. Data processing activities include collection, registration, accumulation, storage, adaptation, change, renewal, use, distribution, depersonalization, destruction, including with the use of information (automated) systems.


3. Purposes of Data Processing

Loro Piana processes Data (such as, for instance, name, surname, address, the details of your purchases, etc.) collected from you (i) to issue the Loro Piana Gift Card and manage the sale of our products and provide sale and after-sale services (including, for instance, fraud prevention, returns, guarantee, card replacement in case of loss and customer support), including the management of your information requests ("Contractual Purposes"); and (ii) to comply with legal and regulatory obligations ("Legal Purposes").


4. Legal Basis

Processing of Data for Contractual Purposes is mandatory since it is necessary to issue the Loro Piana Gift Card and use specific services offered by Loro Piana. Processing of Data for Legal Purposes is mandatory since it is required by the applicable laws. If you do not provide Data, it would not be possible to provide the products or services provided by Loro Piana that you request. Where required under applicable personal data protection laws, we will also obtain your consent prior to processing your Data.


5. Data Retention Period

Your Data is processed for no longer that is necessary to fulfil the above mentioned purposes and, particularly, for the Contractual Purposes Data are retained for the duration of the Loro Piana Gift Card and for 6 years after the requested service. For the Legal Purposes, your Data is stored in accordance with the specific limitation periods defined by law. Upon expiry of the above mentioned retention periods, your Data will be automatically deleted or made anonymous in a permanent and non-reversible way following the procedures established by the applicable law.


6. Data Communication and Transfer Abroad

For the Purposes explained in paragraph 3, Loro Piana might communicate Data, strictly necessary to each purpose of processing, to the following categories of subjects: (i) employees in charge of the processing (such as the personnel of the IT and Retail offices); (ii) consultants and professional and technical service providers (such as IT service providers, postal offices and couriers, legal consultants, etc.), (iii) Loro Piana S.p.A. (Italy), companies under common control of Loro Piana S.p.A. (Italy), Loro Piana's companies in joint venture arrangements and Loro Piana's franchisees which may also be located in countries outside the Economic European Area (EEA) as indicated on Data may be transferred outside the EEA according to articles 45 and 46 of the European Privacy Regulation. When your Data is transferred to a third party not located in a third-party country that benefit from an adequacy decision of the European Commission, the transfer of your Data will be made pursuant to contractual measures based on the European Commission model clauses as appropriate to secure the transfer of your personal data. Your Data are not disseminated.

You have the right to receive information on the place where Data is kept, and details on the transfer mechanism used to protect the Data transferred outside of the EEA (although some details may be redacted for confidentiality reasons), by asking directly to Loro Piana, through the contact details provided in paragraph 8 of this Privacy Notice.


7. Data Subject's Rights

You may always enforce your privacy rights, namely request access to the Data, verify Data content, origin, accuracy, ask that Data be integrated, updated, amended, deleted, blocked for breach of law, object the adoption of automated decisions and object to the processing of your Data for legitimate purposes. In addition to the rights above, you may ask for a restriction of the processing, ask for Data portability and bring a claim before the Data Protection Authority, if the premises subsist.

In addition to the above, the following terms applies:


  • If you are an Italian or French resident, you also have the right to define (general or specific) directives regarding the fate of your Personal Data after your death.
  • If you are a Ukrainian data subject, you have any additional rights according to the Law of Ukraine “On Personal Data Protection” No. 2297-VI as of 1 June 2010. Please be informed that this Privacy Notice serves also as notification on personal data processing under Article 12 of the Law of Ukraine “On Personal Data Protection” No. 2297-VI as of 1 June 2010. By this Privacy Notice, you have been notified on (i) data controller of your Data; (ii) nature and scope of Data to be processed; (ii) purposes of Data processing; (iii) parties to whom Data may be transferred; (iv) your rights with regard to Data processing.

To exercise those rights listed above in the extent permitted by applicable law, please use the contact details provided in paragraph 8 of this Privacy Notice.


8. Change, Update and Contacts

This document will be effective from the date indicated in the heading. Loro Piana might change and/or integrate the Privacy Notice, also as a consequence of further modifications and/or integration of the European Privacy Regulation. You can check the most current version of this privacy information notice and additional information on how we process personal data at the following web address and modifications will be also available at the Loro Piana Stores, upon request.

If you have doubts, questions or complaints with regard to the collection and processing of your Data, you may contact Loro Piana by sending an email to the following address

ES - Privacy Notice Gift Cards

AVISO DE PRIVACIDAD (Septiembre de 2021)


1. Responsable del Tratamiento

En relación con el sistema de Tarjetas Regalo de Loro Piana, el responsable del tratamiento de datos será la entidad vendedora, identificada del siguiente modo:

  • Loro Piana S.p.A., con domicilio social en Rolandi 10, 13017 Quarona (VC), Italia, en relación con las Tarjetas Regalo de Loro Piana compradas en la tienda electrónica Loro Piana o en las tiendas de Loro Piana selectas explotada(s) directamente en Italia; o
  • Loro Piana GesmbH, con domicilio social en Kohlmarkt 16, 1014 Wien, Austria, en relación con las Tarjetas Regalo de Loro Piana compradas en las tiendas Loro de Piana selectas explotadas directamente en Austria; o
  • Loro Piana France S.A.S., con domicilio social en 12 Rue du Faubourg St. Honoré, 75008 París, Francia, en relación con las Tarjetas Regalo de Loro Piana compradas en las tiendas de Loro Piana selectas explotadas directamente en Francia; o
  • Loro Piana GmbH, con domicilio social en Maximilianstraße 21, 80539 München, Alemania, en relación con las Tarjetas Regalo de Loro Piana compradas en las tiendas de Loro Piana selectas explotadas directamente en Alemania; o
  • Loro Piana España, S.L.U., con domicilio social en la Calle José Ortega y Gasset 16, 28006 Madrid, España, en relación con las Tarjetas de Regalo de Loro Piana compradas en las tiendas de Loro Piana selectas explotadas directamente en España,

Loro Piana»), con la que puede ponerse en contacto en la siguiente dirección de correo electrónico, le informa, de conformidad con el Reglamento UE n.º 679/2016 relativo al tratamiento de datos personales («Reglamento Europeo de Privacidad») y otras leyes aplicables, que trata los datos personales facilitados por usted («Datos») con arreglo a las siguientes modalidades.


2. Modalidades de Tratamiento de los Datos

Los datos se tratan en formato impreso y en formato electrónico de acuerdo con requisitos organizativos y de seguridad definidos por la legislación aplicable. Las actividades de tratamiento de datos incluyen recogida, registro, acumulación, conservación, adaptación, cambio, renovación, uso, distribución, despersonalización, destrucción, incluido el uso de sistemas de información (automatizados).


3. Finalidades del Tratamiento de Datos

Loro Piana trata Datos (por ejemplo, nombre, apellidos, dirección, los datos de sus compras, etc.) que se hayan obtenido de usted (i) para emitir la Tarjeta Regalo de Loro Piana y gestionar la venta de nuestros productos y prestar servicios de venta y postventa (incluidos, por ejemplo, prevención del fraude, devoluciones, garantía, sustitución de la tarjeta en caso de pérdida y asistencia al cliente), incluida la gestión de sus solicitudes de información («Fines Contractuales»); y (ii) para cumplir obligaciones legales y reglamentarias («Fines Legales»).


4. Fundamento jurídico

El Tratamiento de los Datos para Fines Contractuales es obligatorio, ya que es necesario emitir la Tarjeta Regalo de Loro Piana y utilizar servicios específicos ofrecidos por Loro Piana. El Tratamiento de los Datos con Fines Legales es obligatorio, ya que lo exige la legislación aplicable. Si no facilita Datos, no será posible suministrar los productos o prestar los servicios ofrecidos por Loro Piana que solicite usted. Cuando así lo exijan las leyes de protección de datos personales aplicables, también obtendremos su consentimiento antes de tratar sus Datos.


5. Plazo de conservación de los datos

Sus Datos se tratan durante un período no superior al necesario para cumplir los fines antes mencionados y, en particular, para los Fines Contractuales, los Datos se conservan durante la vigencia de la Tarjeta Regalo de Loro Piana y durante 6 años después del servicio solicitado. En el caso de los Fines Legales, sus Datos se conservan con arreglo a los plazos de prescripción específicos definidos por la ley. Una vez transcurridos los plazos de conservación antes mencionados, sus Datos se suprimirán o anonimizarán automáticamente de forma permanente y no reversible, aplicando los procedimientos establecidos por la legislación vigente.


6. Comunicación y transferencia de Datos al extranjero

Para los fines expuestos en el apartado 3, Loro Piana podría comunicar los Datos, estrictamente necesarios para cada fin de tratamiento, a las siguientes categorías de sujetos: (i) empleados encargados del tratamiento (por ejemplo, el personal de las oficinas de TI y de Tiendas Minoristas); (ii) consultores y proveedores de servicios profesionales y técnicos (por ejemplo, proveedores de servicios de TI, oficinas postales y mensajerías, asesores jurídicos, etc.), (iii) Loro Piana S.p.A. (Italia), sociedades bajo control común de Loro Piana S.p.A. (Italia), empresas de Loro Piana que participan en acuerdos de empresa conjunta y franquiciados de Loro Piana que también pueden estar establecidos en países fuera del Espacio Económico Europeo (EEE) tal y como se indica en Los datos pueden transferirse fuera del EEE de conformidad con los artículos 45 y 46 del Reglamento Europeo de Privacidad. Cuando sus Datos se transfieran a un tercero que no se encuentre en un país tercero que sea objeto de una decisión de adecuación de la Comisión Europea, la transferencia de sus Datos se realizará de conformidad con medidas contractuales basadas en las cláusulas tipo de la Comisión Europea, según proceda, para garantizar la transferencia de sus datos personales. Sus datos no se divulgan.

Tiene usted derecho a recibir información sobre el lugar en el que se conservan los Datos y los detalles sobre el mecanismo de transferencia utilizado para proteger los Datos transferidos fuera del EEE (aunque algunos detalles pueden suprimirse por motivos de confidencialidad), dirigiéndose directamente a Loro Piana, a través de los datos de contacto facilitados en el apartado 8 de este Aviso de Privacidad.


7. Derechos del Interesado

Puede usted hacer valer en todo momento sus derechos de privacidad, a saber, solicitar el acceso a los Datos, verificar el contenido, el origen, la exactitud de los Datos, solicitar que los Datos se integren, actualicen, modifiquen, supriman, bloqueen por violación de la ley, puede oponerse a la adopción de decisiones automatizadas y oponerse al tratamiento de sus Datos con fines legítimos. Además de los derechos indicados anteriormente, puede usted solicitar una limitación del tratamiento, solicitar la portabilidad de los Datos y presentar una reclamación ante la Autoridad de Protección de Datos, si se dan las premisas.

Además de lo anterior, se aplican las siguientes condiciones:

  • Si reside usted en Italia o en Francia, también tiene derecho a definir directivas (generales o específicas) en relación con el destino de sus Datos Personales después de su fallecimiento.
  • Si es usted un interesado ucraniano, tiene derechos adicionales de conformidad con la Ley de Ucrania «Sobre la Protección de Datos Personales» n.º 2297-VI a 1 de junio de 2010. Tenga en cuenta que, si se encuentra usted en Ucrania, este Aviso de Privacidad también sirve como notificación sobre el tratamiento de datos personales en virtud del artículo 12 de la Ley de Ucrania «Sobre la Protección de Datos Personales» n.º 2297-VI de 1 de junio de 2010. En virtud de este Aviso de Privacidad, se le ha notificado (i) el responsable del tratamiento de sus Datos; (ii) la naturaleza y el alcance de los datos que se tratarán; (ii) los fines del tratamiento de Datos; (iii) las partes a las que se pueden transferir Datos; (iv) sus derechos en relación con el tratamiento de Datos.

Para ejercer los derechos mencionados anteriormente en la medida en que lo permita la legislación aplicable, utilice los datos de contacto facilitados en el apartado 8 de este Aviso de Privacidad.


8. Modificación, actualización y contactos

Este documento entrará en vigor a partir de la fecha indicada en el encabezamiento. Loro Piana podrá modificar y/o consolidar el Aviso de Privacidad, también como consecuencia de nuevas modificaciones y/o consolidación del Reglamento Europeo de Privacidad. Puede consultar la versión más actualizada de este aviso de privacidad e información adicional sobre cómo tratamos datos personales en la siguiente dirección web Las actualizaciones y modificaciones también estarán disponibles en las Tiendas de Loro Piana, previa solicitud.

Si tiene dudas, preguntas o quejas en relación con la recogida y el tratamiento de sus Datos, puede ponerse en contacto con Loro Piana enviando un correo electrónico a la siguiente dirección

Privacy Notice


(updated in July 2023)


1. Who is the Data Controller? 


Loro Piana S.p.A. with registered offices in Corso Rolandi 10, Quarona (VC) – 13017, Italy, in its quality as data controller ("Loro Piana") which can be contacted at the following email address, informs you, according to the EU Regulation No. 679/2016 on the processing of personal data ("GDPR") that it processes the personal data provided by you ("Data") when you purchase or enjoy Loro Piana’s products or services, you contact Loro Piana or register and create a personal account on the website (“Loro Piana Website”) with the modalities set out in this privacy information notice (the “Privacy Notice”). 


When you visit and purchase a product at Loro Piana’s physical stores, your Data may also be processed by the Loro Piana’s local entity that operates the relevant store and manages the sales in order to provide you with products and services you request instore, acting as independent data controller. For further information on the countries where Loro Piana has its stores and the relevant Loro Piana’s legal entity that manages each store, please visit the Loro Piana Website or contact Loro Piana as per the modalities indicated in Section 9 of this Privacy Notice. You can also consult the privacy information notice of the Loro Piana’s local legal entity managing your preferred Loro Piana’s store that is available instore.  


2. What Data are processed?


Loro Piana collects and processes the following Data: 

  • your identifying Data, such as the name and surname, the date of birth, the identity card, the number of family members and any images shared with Loro Piana;
  • your contact information, including the postal and/or shipping address, telephone number, and e-mail;
  • the details of your purchases and the services used by you, including the spending volume and items purchased, as well as your status as a customer;
  • the information relating to payments done for online and instore purchases;
  • the activities performed on Loro Piana Website or the Loro Piana Web Application that is available at (“Loro Piana Web Application”), including the details of your personal account and wallet if you intend to redeem any Non-Fungible Tokens (“NFTs”) that may be associated with certain products you purchase. In particular, Loro Piana uses some cookies and other tracking technologies to automatically collect certain information relating to the way in which you use the Loro Piana Website such as the IP address or the URL origin. For further information on the cookies and tracking systems that Loro Piana uses on its Website, please consult the Loro Piana’s Cookie Policy; and 
  • any other information that you provide in relation to a request of assistance or that can be necessary to benefit from Loro Piana’s services in order to allow Loro Piana to better meet your needs.


If you provide us any personal data relating to a third-party (for example, your family members or any person to whom you would like to make a Loro Piana’s gift), please be sure that they agree on any processing of their personal data by Loro Piana. In any case, you should communicate to such third-party individuals that you provided their personal data to Loro Piana, also informing them on the purposes and modalities of the processing as well as on their privacy rights by providing them with a copy of this Privacy Notice.     


3. How and when Data are collected and processed?


Loro Piana collects your Data when you visit one of Loro Piana’s stores, browse the Loro Piana Website, including by registering and accessing Loro Piana’s services through your personal account, make your purchases both online and instore, use Loro Piana Web Application to trace the production chain of a Loro Piana item you have purchased, claim or transfer its ownership, and redeem any NFT associated with that item.


Data is processed in paper and electronic form in line with technical and organizational security measures defined by applicable laws.


4. Why Data are processed?

Loro Piana processes Data collected from you for the following purposes:


  • Contractual Purposes and, in particular (i) to manage the sale of its products and provide sale and after-sale services (including, for example, fraud prevention, returns, guarantee and customer support); (ii) in relation to Loro Piana’s online activities, to maintain your personal account and offer the services  you request through the Loro Piana Website, including the clienteling (that allows you to receive a personalized service from your trusted Loro Piana Advisor when you have applied for it), virtual showroom and e-concierge if requestedas well as the Loro Piana’s newsletter service, if you have subscribed to it; (iii) to allow you to use the Loro Piana Web Application, including the possibility to consult the production chain of some of your purchased products, claim or transfer their ownership, as well as redeem – and subsequently sell to third-parties – any NFT eventually associated to these products, and (iv) to provide feedbacks to your information requests that you can submit either in person at Loro Piana’s stores, via e-mail or telephone through our Customer Service, or online through the chat that is available on Loro Piana Website. 


  • Law Purpose, including to comply with legal and regulatory obligations to which Loro Piana may be subject and to conduct any “Know Your Customer” activity.  


  • Marketing Purposes, thus, with your prior consent, to send marketing communications on Loro Piana’s exclusive products, services and activities through electronic means (including, for  example, email, SMS, MMS, mobile, social network and instant messages) or paper means (including, for instance, traditional mail) to promote  its trademarks, services and/or products, as well as to conduct market analysis and statistics, except for communications relating to Loro Piana’s newsletter as referred to in letter (ii) above for which you need to subscribe.


  • Profiling Purposes and therefore, with your prior consent, to analyse your habits, interests and preferences in order to offer personalised services and send targeted marketing communications on the basis of your needs. In this context, your Data may also be communicated to other companies of the LVMH group (to which Loro Piana belongs) in order to provide you with a unique shopping experience that takes into account your needs and the preferences expressed by you in all LVMH maisons where you are a customer. Similarly, if you agreed to such sharing of your Data among the LVMH group, Loro Piana may receive information relating to you and provided to other LVMH maisons and use it to personalize its services for you.


  • Marketing Related Legitimate Interest Purposes, to use your Data related to spending volume, product category, store of purchasing, date of birth, status and number of family members on the basis of Loro Piana's legitimate interest to provide a service in line with your needs and send you marketing communications that may be of interest for you. In any case, such marketing communications are sent upon your consent to the Marketing Purposes only. This means that, if you do not agree to Marketing Purposes, Loro Piana does not send you any marketing communications. In addition, Data may be processed to test and enhance Loro Piana’s services in order to always offer you services with a high level of exclusivity, provided that such activities need to be carried out through personal data to ensure their reliability. The Marketing Related Legitimate Interest Purposes also include any customer satisfaction surveys that Loro Piana may send you after a purchase is done in order to allow you to evaluate your customer experience at Loro Piana. Such communications indeed help Loro Piana to understand your level of satisfaction in order to identify any issue and improve the services provided, if needed, also maintaining the highest standards of customer experience. In any case, please note that this processing is not intrusive since it takes into consideration only few categories of segmentation, it enhances your experience with Loro Piana and it is always adequately balanced with your legitimate interests in order to protect your rights.


  • Business Legitimate Interest Purposes and, in particular, (i) to exercise or defend legal claims in court proceedings or in an administrative or out-of-court procedures relating to the rights of Loro Piana, its group companies and/or their representatives, shareholders, officers and directors; (ii) to enable the technical management of the Loro Piana Website and Web Application, their operational functions, including solving any technical problems, to perform tests, updates and upgrades that cannot be performed through non-personal data, as well as to prevent or identify fraudulent activities or misuses of the Loro Piana Website or Web Application, or against the LVMH group and/or the other users of the Loro Piana Website or Web Application; (iii) to complete a potential merger, sale of assets, transfer of all or a material part of Loro Piana’s business, or financing transaction by disclosing and transferring the Data to the third party or parties involved as part of the transaction; (iv) to anonymize the Data in order to perform statistical analysis. 


5. Which is the legal basis to process your Data? 


Processing of Data for Contractual Purposes is mandatory since it is necessary to purchase products, register and create a personal account on the Loro Piana Website and Web Application, as well as use the functionalities available on the Loro Piana Website and Web Application and specific services offered by Loro Piana (including but not limited to, the clienteling, virtual showroom and e-concierge services, the subscription to Loro Piana newsletter, the online chat, etc.). 


Processing of Data for Law Purposes is mandatory since it is required by the applicable laws. If you do not provide your Data, it would not be possible for Loro Piana to provide the products or services that you request. 


Processing of Data for Marketing and Profiling Purposes is not mandatory and subject to your prior consent which, in any case, may be withdrawn at any time. 


Processing of Data for Marketing Related Legitimate Interest and Business Legitimate Interest Purposes is functional to the pursuit of a legitimate interest of Loro Piana, properly balanced with your interests and, considering the limitation to this processing as explained in paragraph 4 above. This processing is not mandatory and you can object to it at any time as indicated below. In such case no data processing will be carried out by Loro Piana for the Marketing Related Legitimate Interest and Business Legitimate Interest Purposes, except in case where Loro Piana demonstrates the existence of legitimate compelling reasons or it needs to exercise a Loro Piana’s right.


6. How long is Data retained?


Your Data are processed for no longer that is necessary to fulfil the above mentioned purposes and, particularly, 


  • For the Contractual and Business Legitimate Interest Purposes, Data are retained for the duration of the contract and/or of the service requested (in case of an account created on the Loro Piana Website or the Loro Piana Web Application, or in relation to services provided by Loro Piana), as well as for the following next 10 years. In any case, as for the newsletter service as referred to in letter (ii) of paragraph 4 above, your Data will be processed until you unsubscribe from the service and/or you exercise your right to oppose to such communications by clicking on the link available in the end notes of each communication received.


  • For the Law Purposes, your Data are stored in accordance with the specific limitation periods defined by law. 


  • For Marketing and Profiling Purposes, your Data are stored for a period of 7 years from the last purchase done and/or from the last contact with you (e.g. participation to an event, access to a specific service and opening of a newsletter).


  • For Marketing Related Legitimate Interest Purposes, Data are retained for a period of 7 years from the last purchase done too, notwithstanding your right to object to the processing at any time. 


Upon expiry of the above mentioned retention periods, your Data will be automatically deleted, aggregated or made anonymous in a permanent and non-reversible way.


7. Can Data be communicated or transferred abroad?


Loro Piana may communicate your Data that are strictly necessary to fulfil each purpose of the processing as explained in paragraph 4 above, to the following categories of subjects: (i) employees in charge of the processing (such as the personnel of the CRM, IT, Retail offices); (ii) consultants and professional and technical service providers (such as IT service providers, postal offices and couriers, legal consultants, etc.); (iii) companies belonging to the LVMH group of companies, including other LVMH maisons, companies controlled by Loro Piana and operating Loro Piana’s local stores, Loro Piana's companies in joint venture arrangements and Loro Piana's franchisees; (iv) public entities, banks, third parties involved in corporate transactions and extraordinary operations and legitimate recipients. 


These subjects may also be located in countries outside the Economic European Area (EEA) as indicated on the Loro Piana Website. In particular, Data may be transferred to countries where the Loro Piana group has a business (e.g., a store). For information on the countries where the Loro Piana group has a business, please refer to Loro Piana Website or contact Loro Piana as per the modalities indicated in paragraph 9 below. In any case, any transfer of Data outside the EEA will be carried out in compliance with articles 45 and 46 of the GDPR, as well as any other measures required by the applicable data protection laws.


You have the right to receive information on the place where your Data are kept, as well as on the measures adopted for the transfer, by asking directly to Loro Piana, through the contact details provided in paragraph 9 of this Privacy Notice. 


In any case, your Data are not divulgated. 


8. Which are you rights as data subject?


You may always enforce your privacy rights, for example you may access your Data, verify your Data content, origin, accuracy, ask for your Data to be integrated, updated, amended, deleted, or blocked for breach of law, as well as object to the processing of your Data for legitimate purposes. In addition to the rights above, you may ask for a restriction of the processing, your Data portability and lodge a claim before the competent Data Protection Authority, if the premises subsist.


You can exercise your privacy rights at any time as follows: 

  • By contacting Loro Piana through the modalities indicated in paragraph 9 below;
  • If you created a personal account on the Loro Piana Website, by changing your privacy preferences and setting in the dedicated section of your personal account; or
  • By submitting a request to the Loro Piana’s store where you provided the Data or to your trusted Loro Piana Advisor. 


9. How to contact Loro Piana?


If you have doubts, questions or complaints with regard to the collection and processing of your Data, or your wish to exercise one of your privacy rights above, please contact Loro Piana by sending an e-mail to the following address


The Data Protection Officer (DPO) designated by Loro Piana is available at the following address


10. Change, Update and Contacts


This Privacy Notice will be effective from the date of update indicated in the heading. Loro Piana might change and/or integrate this Privacy Notice, also as a consequence of further law modifications and/or integration. Updates and modifications will be notified in advance, and you will be able to consult the constantly updated Privacy Notice on the Loro Piana Website.

Privacy Information Notice For The Processing Of Candidates’ Personal Data

Privacy Information Notice For The Processing Of Suppliers’ Personal Data

Cookies Policy


The website (hereinafter, the "Site") is managed by Loro Piana S.p.A., with registered office in Quarona (VC), Corso Rolandi No. 10 (hereinafter, "Loro Piana" or the "Data Controller"), which can be contacted at the following e-mail address

The user may also contact Loro Piana’s designated data protection officer at

Loro Piana, as Data Controller, hereby provides information regarding the use of cookies on the Site, their purposes thereof, the user’s rights and the option available to manage cookies.

This Cookie Policy may be subject to changes, also as a consequence of possible regulatory amendments and/or integrations. In any case, changes will be notified in advance and the user can always consult the text of this Cookie Policy constantly updated on the Site, as well as view any relevant information in the Privacy Information Notice available in the Privacy section of the Site.



Cookies are small text strings that the Site sends to the user's terminal (e.g. computer, smartphone, tablet), where they are stored and then sent back to the same Site the next time the same user visits it.



The use of cookies offers several advantages when providing information society services, including: (i) facilitating the user's browsing on the Site and access to the multiple services offered; (ii) avoiding the need for the user to set up the general characteristics each time he/she accesses the Site; (iii) promoting the improvement of the services provided through the Site, as a result of the corresponding analysis of the information obtained through the cookies installed; (iv) fostering personalized commercial initiatives based on the choices made by the user.



The cookies used on this Site may be distinguished by the following criteria:

a) based on who manages cookies:

  • first party cookies: these are cookies installed directly by the Data Controller (or processors acting on its behalf) through the Site. The Data Controller processes the data collected from the first party cookies for its own purposes, regardless of whether it programmed the cookie itself or has implemented the cookie of another legal entity (see the list of processors which cookies are used on the Site here);
  • third party cookies: these are cookies installed through the Site by third parties other than Loro Piana and processed by such third-parties for purposes they solely determine. In particular, such cookies are controlled in their entirety by the relevant third party as set out in their respective privacy and cookie policies. Third parties use the cookies to track user behavior on the Site and across other third-party websites (especially for user-specific advertising). For the full list of third-party partners that use third-party cookies on the Site, and more information on the purpose of such cookies and settings to accept or refuse such cookies, please refer to their privacy policy by clicking here;

b) based on the time they remain enabled:

  • session cookies: these cookies store the necessary information during the browsing session and are deleted immediately after the session expires, i.e. when the browser is closed;
  • persistent cookies: these cookies are stored on the user's hard disk and the Site reads them each time the user visits the Site. A persistent cookie has a specific expiry date, after which it will stop working;

c) based on the purpose:

  • technical cookies: these cookies are necessary to allow the user to browse the Site and to benefit from its functionalities. If strictly necessary for the use of the Site, these cookies do not require the user’s prior consent and cannot be switched off. In this case, technical cookies are also named “strictly necessary cookies”. Instead, where technical cookies enable certain functionalities and services, enhancing the Site, they are called “functional cookies”. In any case, without these cookies some services or functions could not be provided and the browsing of the Site would not be easy and functional;
  • analytics cookies: these cookies are used to obtain statistical information, in an aggregate manner or not, on the number of users accessing the Site and about how the Site is used. For this reason, analytics are also known as “performance cookies” since they assess the overall performance and liking of the Site by users. Where required by the applicable laws, if the user does not consent to these types of cookies, the Data Controller will not be able to improve the Site based on information from the user’s visit;
  • profiling or targeting cookies: these cookies are used to trace the user’s profile in order to display advertisements on the Site target on the basis of the user’s interests, tastes and consumption habits. If the user does not consent to these types of cookies, he/she will experience less targeted advertising (but not less advertising overall).

The Site uses technical – both strictly necessary and functional – cookies as well as analytics or performance cookies and profiling or targeting cookies.



Except for strictly necessary cookies which are needed for the functioning of the Site, Loro Piana will only use cookies with the user’s prior consent. In principle, it is possible to use the Site without cookies, but it may alter the functioning or availability of the Site. If the user wishes to make use of the full Site features, he/she should accept cookies that enable to use certain features or make it more convenient for the user to do so. The user can exercise his/her choice per cookie purpose as provided below.

In particular, pursuant to the applicable data protection laws, the installation of functional (i.e., technical cookies other than strictly necessary, as explained above), analytics and third-party profiling cookies requires the user’s prior consent. For this reason, when the user accesses the Site, a banner is displayed, informing him/her that (i) analytics and/or third-party profiling cookies are used on the Site and that (ii) by clicking on the cookie acceptance button, he/she consents to their use. Otherwise, the user can decide which cookies to install on the Site by clicking on the appropriate cookie management section and selecting his/her preferences. If the user consents to the installation of cookies, Loro Piana will track his/her consent by means of a technical cookie. Thus, the cookie banner will not be shown to the user in case of subsequent visits to the Site.

The user can object to the use of cookies at any time with effect for the future by using the “Cookie Policy” link available from the footer of the Site pages, without compromising the ability to visit the Site and enjoy its contents.

Please note that the user can also exercise his/her rights regarding the personal data that are collected by way of cookies, as described in the Site Privacy Information Notice or in the Loro Piana’s partners privacy notices, as provided in the tables below.

In addition to giving the specific consent to the use of (certain or all cookies, other than strictly necessary cookies) upon first access to the Site or when the Data Controller introduces new cookies on our Site, by modifying the settings of the browser used, the user can also decide to generally subject the installation of any type of cookie to his/her acceptance or to generally prevent it. Each browser’s setup is different and it is described in the "Help" menu of the browser itself. In order to understand how to set the cookies, the user can consult the instructions provided by the providers of the most popular browsers, which are available at the following links:

Where the user utilizes a different browser, Loro Piana recommends to check the manual of the specific browser used in order to understand how to configure the cookie management.

Furthermore, with specific reference to third party cookies, users are free to block the installation of all or some of these cookies or to withdraw their consent at any time, without compromising their ability to visit the Site and enjoy its contents. In order to proceed with the deactivation or to find out how to do it, please also read carefully the third-party cookie information notices following the links in the table above. The user can also manage his/her preferences on third party cookies by visiting the website Your Online Choices or All About Computer Cookies and following the instructions provided there.



Technical Cookies

Technical cookies are those that the Data Controller uses for the sole purpose of allowing the user to visit the Site and enjoy it. They can be further divided into:

  • browser cookies: these cookies guarantee the common browsing and use of the Site, allowing, for instance, to book an appointment or to authenticate for accessing reserved areas. Therefore, they are strictly necessary for the browsing and use of the Site and, thus, do not require the user's consent. These are generally session cookies, which are automatically deleted when closing the browser;
  • functionality cookies: these cookies allow the user to browse the Site according to a set of selected criteria (for instance, the language or country of origin) in order to improve the service provided on the Site. Therefore, without the user's consent, some of the services and functionalities provided on the Site may not function properly. These are persistent cookies, which remain on the computer in use even after the browser is closed, until the expiry date provided for each cookie (typically from two months to two years) or the user deletes them.

Other than as per the general browser settings (as explained above), The User can generally deactivate first party technical cookies that are strictly necessary (i.e. not requiring the user's consent) by clicking on the relevant links listed above or, in case of third party cookies, by accessing the respective privacy information notices and, where relevant, consent forms. However, by deleting or blocking these cookies, the Site (or its functionalities) may not work properly or efficiently.

Analytics or Performance Cookie

Analytics cookies are used on the Site to collect statistical information, in an aggregate or individual manner, on the number of users accessing the Site and about how they visit the Site. Without the user's consent, Loro Piana will not be able to improve the Site based on information from the user's visit.


Profiling or Targeting Cookies

Profiling cookies are used to create a profile of the user, based on his/her preferences and interests when surfing the net, in order to offer targeted advertisements. In this way, the advertisements shown on the Site can be more interesting for the user.

Targeting cookies are installed by third parties who act as independent data controllers or possibly also as joint controller together with Loro Piana (third party cookies). Please find below the list of the third-party profiling cookies currently used on the Site, together with the link to the privacy information pages created by their product developers.

The Site also provides for "social media cookies" or "social buttons", i.e. plug-ins for interaction with social networks, which allow users to share their information and contents with social networks and social network operators/managers, to identify users and to store information relating to the use of the Site in their profiles. We have ensured that such interaction with social networks only happens if the user has specifically requested that Users can consult the information on the data management carried out by the relevant social network at the following links:



The data processing carried out in the context of this Cookies Policy may entail to transfer to third countries outside the European Economic Area which do not benefit from a decision of adequacy by the European Commission and do not offer the same level of data protection as in the European Union, including [insert]. In such case, Loro Piana has implemented appropriate safeguards, including the stipulation of standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission and/or additional contractual measures to ensure the protection of the personal data transferred. Such safeguards are available by reading the Privacy Information Notice or reaching out to Loro Piana at the contact details below.

With specific reference to the information collected by means of the third-party cookies used in the Site, instead, such third-party cookies may entail the transfer of the user’s personal data by the corresponding third parties (as identified above in this Cookie Policy) to countries outside the European Economic Area. These international transfers of data (if any) are controlled in its entirety by the relevant third party as set out in their respective privacy and cookie policies available at the links provided above.



For further information, including on privacy rights and how to exercise them, please read the Privacy Information Notice available on the Site or contact Loro Piana at the following e-mail address

A cookie is a small piece of data (text file) that a website – when visited by a user – asks your browser to store on your device in order to remember information about you, such as your language preference or login information. Those cookies are set by us and called first-party cookies. We also use third-party cookies – which are cookies from a domain different than the domain of the website you are visiting – for our advertising and marketing efforts. More specifically, we use cookies and other tracking technologies for the following purposes:

Cookie Subgroup Cookies Cookies used _dc_gtm_UA-xxxxxxxx, userSegment First Party OptanonConsent, OptanonAlertBoxClosed First Party l7_az, tsrce Third Party
Cookie Subgroup Cookies Cookies used _cs_nnnnnnnnnnnnn, _uetvid, _gclxxxx, _dyid_server, _ga, _gid, _ga_xxxxxxxxxx, _gat, AKA_A2 First Party _pk_ses.www-loropiana-com.1dc9, _pk_id.www-loropiana-com.1dc9, RT First Party MUID Third Party _cs_nnnnnnnnnnnnn Third Party DYSES, DYID Third Party _dy_ses_load_seq, _dyid, _dy_toffset, _dy_geo, _dyfs, _dy_soct, _dy_c_exps, _dycst, _dy_lu_ses, _dy_csc_ses, _dy_df_geo, _dycnst Third Party
Cookie Subgroup Cookies Cookies used _pin_unauth First Party callback Third Party ts_c, ts Third Party
Cookie Subgroup Cookies Cookies used cookie-notification, _fbp, _uetsid First Party cto_tld_test, criteo_write_test, anonymous-consents First Party MSPTC Third Party _pinterest_ct_ua Third Party anj, uuid2 Third Party cnac, car, cf, gdpr, cip Third Party ayl_visitor Third Party tv_UICR, tvid Third Party ar_debug Third Party CMPRO, CMPS, CMID Third Party opt_out Third Party dpm Third Party uid, optout Third Party data-c-ts, visitor-id, data-c Third Party TestIfCookieP, pid, csync Third Party browser_data Third Party _kuid_ Third Party test_cookie, IDE Third Party criteo, mv_tokens, am_tokens, am_tokens_eu-v1, mv_tokens_eu-v1 Third Party demdex Third Party
Cookie Subgroup Cookies Cookies used   Third Party

Data Protection Far East

For any requests related to Data Protection please use the following contact: